Be wary of online forums

There are several different online forums for FS people.  Blogs are one.  These are good, even if they feel a little stalk-y.  Do a google search for 'post x + expat blogger' and you are likely to get some hits.  Unless your going somewhere super tiny and a bit unpopular.  Still do some searching, you might find some info from a backpacker blog or who knows who.  Unless the person in also FS, I would be very very wary of contacting them.  Unless you share some odd hobby or something.

Then there are all the Facebook groups.  There is a fb group for every kind of FS person under the sun. Most are terrifically annoying.  They are places for people to ask dim questions, whine and complain openly about why they cannot ship peanut butter or what iPad apps they should download for their toddler for a plane ride.  A lot of these people need to get a grip and just stop.  If they need stroller recommendations, they should ask people they know with babies, not several thousand strangers in the FS.  Or their sister with a baby.  Or look at the flipping amazon reviews.

All that said, these are good places to find out info.  There is a search option which you should ALWAYS use before asking a question.  Otherwise you will find out that the FS, is in fact, full of a lot of know-it-alls.


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